online window shopping

Monday, May 6, 2013

holy smokes. ANTHRO. DRESSES. give me them all. these dresses - the cuts, the patterns, etc. - let's just say they were made for me. AND i only picked out one dress that was black! eeee. haha. but the down fall is before any taxes, shipping and what not this little collection of six lookers was a whopping $1400.00. yeaaahhh. a girl can dream.

what are your favourites on their site?


cocktails: mint juleps

Thursday, May 2, 2013

The Kentucky Derby is right around the corner! Can't make it to the race in your fancy dress and big hat? Well make a Mint Julep instead!

Mint Julep

What You'll Need:
- 2 oz burbon of your choice
- .5 oz simple syrup
- mint, lots of mint
- crushed ice (preferably the Sonic variety)

As every good Southern girl knows- you don't crush or tear the mint leaves in a Mint Julep! You gently press the leaves (as many or as few as you desire) to naturally release the oils within the mint leaves. You can use the back of a spoon to do this -- some people muddle but i think that breaks the leaves up too much. Place the mint in the bottom of your cup and add the simple syrup and mix. Next, pour in half of the bourbon and mix again. Then pack your cup with ice and pour the remaining half of the bourbon. Last but not least, add a straw and a sprig of mint for garnish!



Also -- Adair is blogging over at the Plumtique blog today about awesome drinks to make for Cinco de Mayo festivities. So, if you'd rather let your Mexican Senorita come out than your Sweet Southern Belle --go check it out!

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